“Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.”
This part focuses on how we harness our desire to communicate to create and share meaning: semantics. We not only learn new names for ideas but a whole new way to think about data visualization.
Coming to Terms
Semantics explains the ways in which we draw meaning. Here, we come to terms with the ideas that will inform later chapters.
Vagueness and Ambiguity
Vague concepts, such as tall, affect our communication. This chapter addresses fuzziness in communication.
Data Literacy
Beyond the reading and interpreting of charts, data literacy requires us to think about how everyone navigates the world.
Data Preparation
Creating semantically resonant visualizations requires thinking through how data shaping can enrich and refine messages.
Scaling it down
Size affects how we interpret visualizations. Here we explore concepts around scaling and shrinking visualizations to fit.
Cohesive Data Messages
Cohesion binds communication together. We explore the parameters that influence creating messages that stick.
Text and Charts
Text plays a pivotal role in how our charts communicate. Here, we explore text and chart balance and ways to make the pairing highly effective.